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Question Any Yankees (northerners) in the house?

Question Any Yankees (northerners) in the house?

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by: SnoopSister Active Indicator LED Icon 6 OP 
~ 8 mos ago    
Any Yankees (northerners) in the house?
We transplanted from Illinois in 1989. We were 40 years old. I think we qualify as "damned Yankees" because we are still here.
I would much rather deal with this weather, than Illinois stuff.
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cheryltom Active Indicator LED Icon 16
~ 8 mos ago    
Grew up in South Dakota. Been here 26 years after 10 in Denver.
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ladybeachbum Active Indicator LED Icon 16
~ 8 mos ago    
@SnoopSister :
My husband is from Indiana. I call him and his family yankees! I love them anyway.
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KathyMarshall Active Indicator LED Icon 2 App
~ 8 mos ago    
@SnoopSister: *hand going up* Born and raised in suburban Philadelphia. Spent most of the last 30 years in the Midwest. Moved here a year and a half ago. Love it!
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M1cha3lo0o Active Indicator LED Icon 7
~ 8 mos ago    
@SnoopSister :
Born and raised in Greene County, il. Emoticon
I haven't worn a jacket to work once this week ( our long sleeve work shirts are super thick ).
Everyone at work "Aren't you cold?"
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Cbear Active Indicator LED Icon 3
~ 8 mos ago    
Any Yankees (northerners) in the house? We transplanted from Illinois in 1989. We were 40 years old. I think we qualify as "damned Yankees" because we are still here. I would much rather deal with this weather, than Illinois stuff.
@SnoopSister : I moved to Texas in 1995 at the age of 34 from Ohio. No regrets.
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Vinbert Active Indicator LED Icon 12
~ 8 mos ago    
Yerp! Born in Elmhurst, raised in the Poconos!
We were here for a time in the 90's, had to go back to PA, then came back in 2007.
And no, I don't miss that stinking snow!!
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RajunCajun Active Indicator LED Icon 3
~ 8 mos ago    
@Vinbert :
Ah, yeah, but Pennsylvania is a pretty state. I went there when I was a kid for vacation, and we thought it was so pretty
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RajunCajun Active Indicator LED Icon 3
~ 8 mos ago    
@Vinbert :
There's someone in our neighborhood who is from Pennsylvania and has lived here 17 years. They talked about moving back upon retirement but decided against it citing the fact that the husband can play golf year round here.
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drmfalcon7 Active Indicator LED Icon
~ 8 mos ago    
Born in PA and spent the majority of my childhood in the north. Moved here from Ohio when I was 14, so awhile ago now. I still prefer the cold weather. I love it.
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justanirishgirl Active Indicator LED Icon 3
~ 8 mos ago    
Born in Chicago, came when I was 16. I consider myself a Texan!
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Cbear Active Indicator LED Icon 3
~ 8 mos ago    
Grew up in South Dakota. Been here 26 years after 10 in Denver.
@cheryltom : Brrrrr. My DD has a friend in Souix Falls.
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Cbear Active Indicator LED Icon 3
~ 8 mos ago    
SnoopSister : My husband is from Indiana. I call him and his family yankees! I love them anyway.
@ladybeachbum : Not Hoosiers? LOL!
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Cbear Active Indicator LED Icon 3
~ 8 mos ago    
SnoopSister: *hand going up* Born and raised in suburban Philadelphia. Spent most of the last 30 years in the Midwest. Moved here a year and a half ago. Love it!
@KathyMarshall : I'm sure this weather brings back memories .
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Cbear Active Indicator LED Icon 3
~ 8 mos ago    
SnoopSister : Born and raised in Greene County, il. I haven't worn a jacket to work once this week ( our long sleeve work shirts are super thick ). Everyone at work "Aren't you cold?"
@M1cha3lo0o : How long have you been here?
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Cbear Active Indicator LED Icon 3
~ 8 mos ago    
Yerp! Born in Elmhurst, raised in the Poconos! We were here for a time in the 90's, had to go back to PA, then came back in 2007. And no, I don't miss that stinking snow!!
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@Vinbert : You sure?
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