What they did was stupid and self-centered.
They deserve to be arrested. If I break the law, I deserve to be arrested, AND called out by my fellows.
They are very, very lucky they only got arrested.
For the record, I've never been arrested. I don't drive drunk (never have) and I don't do drugs either. Maybe I was raised differently but we understood that our actions had impact on society and that we had to take responsibility for our own actions.
Age 20 and 21 are not children and they don't get a pass for being stupid. If the only way they are capable of learning how to interact with society is to be arrested so they can understand the law - then they aren't very bright for sure.
Would you be so forgiving and tolerant if your 5 year old child was killed by one of them losing control of the car and hitting you head-on? Happens around here far too often to be anything but outraged by these two ignorant idiots.
We are going to have to choose to see this differently.