Teen Volunteer Faith Inspires at Atascocita Branch Library
From the Atascocita Branch Library:
Meet Faith! Faith is a member of BOLT (Board of Library Teens) and an avid library patron. She runs a monthly program during Teen Takeover in addition to helping development teen events for the library.
"Being a part of BOLT has been a great experience. Every meeting, event, and day I am reminded how much I am helping others and giving others my age and younger a great experience to remember. Working with my teammates in BOLT helps me cultivate my leadership skills, and express my creative skills by creating the programs. Within BOLT, I have experienced great camaraderie and I have enjoyed working with my teammates, knowing that I can trust them to help me with reaching our goals. We've overcome many obstacles together, and by working together, I believe we've made things easier and better for everyone around us. The library is one of my favorite places to be, so I am proud to say that I am on a team that shows others how great the library is."
For more information and all the photos please visit:
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