Taxes are bigger in Texas than California!?!

Everything's Bigger in Texas - Including Taxes, Which Are Outpacing California
As the Houston Chronicle reported, a graphic shared on Reddit's main economic forum illustrated how the vast majority of Texans pay more in taxes than Californians do. That's the case even though Texas does not levy a state income tax on individuals (and California does).
According to the ITEP's research, Texans whose salaries fall into the lowest 20% of income earners - those who earn less than $20,900 a year - pay about 13% of their income in state and local taxes. By comparison, Californians in the bottom 20% (who earn less than $23,200 annually) pay a rate of 10.5%.
That's not the only income group where taxes are higher in Texas than California, either: The middle 20% of earners in Texas - making $35,800 to $56,000 a year - pay 9.7% in state and local taxes .Meanwhile, it's 8.9% for middle income earners in Californian, whose pay ranges from $39,100 to $62,300 a year.
About the only Texans who fare better than Californians are the wealthy. The top 1% of earners in Texas - those making $617,900 or more annually - only pay 3.1% of their income in state and local taxes. That compares to a rate of 12.4% for top earners in California, who make $714,400 or more per year. erything-bigger-texa s-including-taxes-16 2135063.html
At least we have California beat on cost of living!!