@ParksideRes : hmmmm... that would be Houston Public Library. Ours here are Harris County Public Library (HCPL).
The only branch I know of that has any is Fairbanks, down on Gessner, but those are for a program tomorrow. You have to attend the program, and there are limited quantities.
That being said, I did hear that the Observatory has some, and will be passing them out tomorrow starting at 10:15 am for a donation of a dollar. Of course, with the caveat, while supplies last.
I know these wild rumors go around on the internet, but libraries don't get them for free. I think there are a few grants available, but only so many grants to go around. Most of the time, if a library has them, their Friends group has financed it. I thought I'd be smart, a few years ago, and buy them while they were cheap, in bulk, for the library, and then ran up against the expiration date thing.