@ParksideRes : I think some folks DO need to go back to driving school. My personal pet peeve: when your lane is blocked.....YIELD! You do not have the right of way and please.....don't speed up to get around the blockage. What your d**n turn!!!!!!!!
@Fiona : Great idea!! Like when people with luxury cars take up two parking spots! If you have the funds to afford the car....you can afford a door ding repair!
@Weathergirl5 : I have been noticing alot of stop sign runners lately on my walks. I wonder if people are just so distracted or what. Kinda scary when you are on foot and they may not be paying attention.
@Cbear : I don't think they are distracted I think they just don't care. They slow down, make sure there are no cops around or other people approaching the intersection and just blow thru it. At least that has been what I have witnessed.