Go Cowboys!
I gave my betting buddies 3 games to choose from this weekend.
I took NE and gave 16.5 (had only 3 bets, but.... at half time on one group text one of them asked me if I wanted to double my bet (cause it was 17-13)-no prob-then got 6 more bets cause I was still giving 16.5-LOVE MY TEXAN FAN FRIENDS!
A lot of Cheese head fans in our groups but only 2 cheese heads took my bet (and the points)-should tell you something but Dallas has this one for sure. Going to be a great game though for sure.
The KC/Pitt game is what's going to determine if I had a great week or not breaking even as most took Pitt and the 1.5 points vs my Chiefs. Come on CHiefs!!!!
@redneck roy
We actually have something in common (the Chiefs). Where did your KC luv come from? I lived their from 91 to 2000-was a great FB (and BB) town.