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Aldi's Milk. Noticed the milk had a rather funny taste this eve

Aldi's Milk. Noticed the milk had a rather funny taste this eve

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walkchalk Active Indicator LED Icon 3
~ 2 years, 4 mos ago   Aug 26, '22 12:54pm  
Growing up in West Pa. My uncle had a huge dairy farm. On the weekend we`d grab the wooden thing holding 2 glass jugs and go to his farm. He had a room with a fridge in it like a old coke machine except it had big metal jugs of milk in it and dad would fill the jugs and toss a couple quarters in the upside down hub cap setting next to it. throw a wave good bye , headed down the lane to the beef farm. messy and smelly, didn't like it so much but dad would go in and point through the display case at the cuts he wanted. Sunday I be walking home from church and there dad would be on the front sidewalk grilling steaks. folks driving by waving "Hi". His steak would be like the one on the flintstones cartoon. lol HUGE!!
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Catmae Active Indicator LED Icon 10
~ 2 years, 4 mos ago   Aug 26, '22 2:26pm  
My husband worked in quality control at Safeway dairies. He has a four-year degree in v Dairy science. He told me that you have to keep milk at 40 degrees or below to keep it from going bad. He said if you leave it out for 30 minutes you've lost one day off your expiration. I don't think the stores handle the milk properly because he said milk should last 10 days after the expiration date if handled properly. I like to shop for my milk at Krogers because they keep milk behind refrigerated doors.
@AMCLady : My Kroger milk usually lasts several days PAST the expiration date. Since it's just me now, that's a plus.
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AMCLady Active Indicator LED Icon 13
~ 2 years, 4 mos ago   Aug 26, '22 2:52pm  
@Catmae : That's great. You're doing better than me., 😊
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EddyFree Active Indicator LED Icon 11
~ 2 years, 4 mos ago   Aug 26, '22 6:58pm  
@AMCLady :
He told me that you have to keep milk at 40 degrees or below to keep it from going bad.

All "refrigerated foods" should be kept at 41 degrees or below to retard bacterial growth....But they will "go bad"(experiance bacteria growth) after a time, the low temp only delays the process....
I like to shop for my milk at Krogers because they keep milk behind refrigerated doors.

The Aldi I shop keeps theirs in a cooler behind glass doors also...I can't think of any stores that do differently....But that is a good point, if I went into a store and saw milk displayed on refrigerated "open air" shelves, I'd definitely not even try to buy it....
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AMCLady Active Indicator LED Icon 13
~ 2 years, 4 mos ago   Aug 26, '22 7:11pm  
@EddyFree : HEB keeps their milk out in open air.
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EddyFree Active Indicator LED Icon 11
~ 2 years, 4 mos ago   Aug 26, '22 7:17pm  
Been a while since I've been to HEB, and I only usually go there for meat...And they aren't what they used to be, IMO....
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DAccountant Active Indicator LED Icon
~ 2 years, 4 mos ago   Aug 26, '22 7:36pm  
@AMCLady : KPRC 2 Investigates 'Horrid look inside': Fungus found in bananas
You should read this report on the bananas. It seems that there is a bacteria that occurs naturally in bananas called Mokillo. You can't tell when you buy them that they have this fungus. It is very interesting and I know I don't use alot of bananas but someone that does this might be useful info.
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AMCLady Active Indicator LED Icon 13
~ 2 years, 4 mos ago   Aug 26, '22 7:43pm  
@DAccountant : I think I saw that program a while back. Some lady was talking about HEB banana being moldy on the inside. I usually shop at Krogers and I'm noticing that when I get down to the end of my banana it's all black. So this must be everywhere. I heard also that bananas are going to disappear in 5 years because of some fungus or something that destroys the trees. I love bananas. 😞
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RajunCajun Active Indicator LED Icon 3 OP 
~ 2 years, 4 mos ago   Aug 28, '22 3:06pm  
AMCLady: Been a while since I've been to HEB, and I only usually go there for meat...And they aren't what they used to be, IMO....
@EddyFree : Yeah. I shop at HEB for meat only. I absolutely won't buy produce there. I've tried produce there multiple times, and it is never fresh. I have much better luck with Aldi's or SmallMart for produce. I was surprised by that; I thought HEB would have been good. I thought wrong.
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