Catmae : Yeah. United Way came to my employer back in the '80's to ask us to pledge money. They were going on about all of the great agencies that the money would assist. They also said that we could opt to direct our money to one specific agency through United Way. I asked them why wouldn't I just make a payment to an individual agency without giving to United Way who will keep a percentage of what I give. They hemmed and hawed and had no answer. I've never given to United Way or Red Cross, and I never will. There are agencies out there that are managed far more effectively and with less waste.
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@RajunCajun : That's funny that you say that! Back in the early '80's, the company I worked for actually heavily encouraged all employees to give a portion of every paycheck to United Way. We got a pin to put on our ID badge that looked like the one in this pic. And by heavily encouraged, I mean we were just short of forced to give.